Staking Instructions

How to stake your Ethlizards Genesis V1 and V2 NFTs

  1. Navigate your web browser to

  2. Connect your wallet

  1. Navigate to the Dashboard and scroll down

  1. Approve your NFTs to be staked - (Requires an approval for Genesis V1 and/or V2 collections)

  1. To stake your Ethlizards NFT(s): A. If you want to stake all of your Ethlizards NFTs in the connected wallet, select the "Stake All" button. B. To stake a single Ethlizards NFT, select the "Stake" button below the specific Ethlizards NFT you would like to stake. Important Note: Staking a single Ethlizards NFT incurs a transaction with gas fee each time if staking individually. If you want to stake multiple Ethlizards NFTs, to save on transaction gas fee costs, it is recommended to use the "Stake All" option instead.

  1. To see your staked Ethlizards NFTs, select the "Staked" tab.

Last updated